Tuesday, April 25, 2006

as per requested

For all you whining, sniveling cry babies, here you go. Please be sure to wipe your post nasal drip, before it gets crusty.

Oh, shoot, my bad. This is actually another stock photo.

I'll get a real pic soon.


Anonymous said...

If that was the loft, it'd become my reservation request. Forget the Princess or Rose room~YM

Dustin Dwyer said...

Wow, there's so much sunshine pouring through the windows there. You are a fine craftsman.

Or a crafty finesman, whatever that means.

Me said...

I'd like to call myself a fine statesman. Or, you may call me a stine holding fatesman. I'm not sure what that means either.

Dustin Dwyer said...

This new google tool seems like something that could help you design your remodeling dreams:

jungle jim said...

isnt it about time we got a real pic?

Anonymous said...
