Friday, September 15, 2006

Getting Positive Feedback

Since popular demand demands it, (ok, not by mass popularity, but more by one guy who is just massively popular) I have included more pictures of recent outings.

In this first pic, I'd like to introduce a new friend. This is her first appearance, so let's all give her a warm round of applause.... so give it up for Sierra the dog!! C'mon everyone now!!


jungle jim said...

good to hear things are opening up for you on the work front, and that you don't have to rack your brain thinking of what to do since the other job fell thru anyway

as for freddy, yea, seen that one coming pretty much since you got in oregon.keep up the pics, and occasionally fill in the blanks. now i got to go and do someting on mine.

Me said...

Work front? I mentioned no work front here. Keep your conversations square. What we talk about on the blog stays on the blog, and vice versa. I know nothing about work.

jungle jim said...

package is in the mail (have to make a trip to grandma's as thats where it's going) and happy birthday since i'll probably forget about it when it actually rolls around

Me said...

Birthday? I know nothing about no birthday.

jungle jim said...

well, it's a good thing you know nothing about it, since the package got sent back, send it back out tommorrow

Dustin Dwyer said...

holy crapsos. Now I know why I haven't done anything on my blog. You've been using up all the blogging skillz for the Coleman/Langer/Dwyer clan. You're making me wish I was in O-ree-gone.

jungle jim said...

uh, yea, me too

Me said...

nah... that's just me applying my computer expertise. See, it's all just clever marketing.
This place, is really a dry, barren wasteland. You can do all kinds of cool tricks with Photoshop now.

Dustin Dwyer said...

Happy Bird-day, yo.

jungle jim said...

yep, see, i bothered to mention it a week ago, cause yesterday, i rembered at like 3 in the morn when i was at work and couldn't do anything but forgot it the rest of the day. bty, your package is still sitting on my bookcase where it landed after being returned.i'm going to get to it, totally promise.

Mel said...

Yo!!! kirk I love the pic of the tide pool...i think thats what its called...any who this is your sis Melanie...I have a blog!!! for got i had gotten one...a long time ago...any way thought i would just say that, and post a commet...outs

Anonymous said...

Of packages...did one small package and one Halllmark arrive from the east coast? I actually sent out on time this year~ym

jungle jim said...

mel-glad ya finally got a blog, just an idea. shiny blinking stars tend to make it hard on old man eyes such as mine. just a thought

Mel said...

old men should were sun glasses *nod* *nod*

jungle jim said...

don't know why i was thinking about this last night, but do they still have the frisbe golf course out there?

Me said...

ok, one at a time... ya my birthday came and went, just like every year. Do I care, no. Did anything arrive. Only from mom and Melanie. S0, Melanie thanks for the Chicago paraphenelia. I especially dig the night light. I use it alreadt.

Mom, thanks for the card. It was surpising.

Congrats in the new blog. Looks... like something you would design! If you like stars, add more! Make them blink brighter and happier than any other star on any other blog. Billy's blog has no stars. Just pictures of some small, taco-eating toddler. Stars, and pictures of tidepools are where it's at in blog-world. Take it from me.

Old men? Sunglasses? Is that a dig on me? I take all that star crap back, if it is. Stars are lame-o. Only tidepools are cool now.

Frisbee golf course. Ya, why did that dawn on you?
But yes, there are several I am told. One famously, in Simpson park, near the bridge and U. Richard's abode.

You taking up a new hobby/sport soon?

jungle jim said...

that one by rich's was the one i was thinkign about. no idea why it came to me. as for hobbies, aside from the almost completion of the desk (just needs a coat of paint, tho it is being debated as to whether it's worth it since it may not survive the move) and the begining of my painting space (occasionally model cars, but mostly the figures) i got a full boat right now.