Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Centipedes and a Frozen Burritoe

Above is a picture I did not take, but it is a pretty picture... no?

I am staying at my dad's house, in Merced right now, not doing much. Well, besides the usual internet poker tourny's. I've been averaging about four per day. And I gotta say, I'm almost sick of it. So many bad beats, stupid players, and general bad luck. So it goes.

To alleve the drudgery, I have resorted to Links Golf, Madden '06, and Centipede to fill my day. And, wherever there may be a small gap in time, I find that frozen burritoes (2 minutes till microwaved perfection), with one dollop of sour cream, and just a dash or two of hot suace, tend to round out whatever may remain of any discontent.

Thats about it really.


jungle jim said...

hey man, how is madden 06?i got 05, and really had no reason to get the next one, only it's on psp also and you can download the season and play on the road.i been contimplating it, but if it's not far and away better then 05 it's no dice.i think i already told you about my adventures in online tournys, so i'll spare ya

Me said...

My bad. For some reason I thought Vick was the poster boy for 2006. No tho, its '04. Which, as of last night is buggin me for all the old rosters. I may pick up '06 soon.