Thursday, January 26, 2006

The Delay, It's Almost a Cliche

Leaving Santa Cruz late week, I thought I quick stop in the San Jose/Walnut Creek/Discovery Bay area would be all that separated me from Oregon. Instead, while driving through San Ramon I realized I needed to pull into San Ramon Valley Medical Center.

Long story short, another minor medical phenomena has held me back. For Friday of last week through Tuesday of this week, I had been laid up on Jimmy's couch. Wednesday (yesterday) I was finally able to get around and feel normal again. And with that, I would have been Audi 5000. Except for one thing.

My brakes on the new car, as I posted earlier, had a slight squeak. I had already had them checked in Merced from a trusted family mechanic who told me, it was nothing more than the non-factory brake shims rubbing during braking. But, while driving to Santa Cruz last week, I was feeling some shuddering at freeway exit braking levels.
So, while in Discovery Bay, I figured Jimmy's garage was a great place to replace the shims, and investigate the shudder.

I had ordered the shims on Tuesday, so I already had the new brake parts. But instead decided to first reroute a wiring harness under the hood, that I thought could be a future problem. End of day Wednesday, the harness was fully done, and looking good. But it did end up taking all day.
Today, I began the brakes only to find out I received the wrong parts from Toyota. Awesome. Tomorrow I should be getting the right ones.

If all goes well, I should be taking off tomorrow afternoon.

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