Saturday, January 14, 2006

Delayed Again...

I was planning to leave for Oregon last week. However, since selling the Tundra, I was without wheels. I had a plan though.

My dad's truck, I was going to borrow originally, just for the Oregon trip. But it's having transmission trouble. Than there was the Mercedes. Now it has troubles.

So, I did a quick look on craigslist for a truck or something, and instead found a sports car. Toyota Supra, with the targa top. Oh well, I'm so sad. Seemed like a good deal tho.

IN any event, this forces me to visit the lovely, and always fun Department of Motor Vehicles. I really really love it there. Always something fun to do.

I also need to get the brakes checked out. No big deal, just a slight squeak. I could do it myself. But sometimes time, (and grease up every fingernail) is worth money.

This put's me on a course to leave town Wednesday (approx.).

IN poker news, I'm doing so-so. Playing some 7-card stud, while trying to round out my skill sets. There, I've made money this week. In hold'em, my cards are ice cold. Just not catching anything lately.
However, Billy seems to be getting it. I saw him take a 1st, and a 2nd, out of three events last night. Way to go.

Tonight, a cheesy Jackie Chan flick is on the agenda.

Oh by the way, the picture at the top is kinda like my car. But it's not blue, and it doesn't look exactly like that. Mine is red, and looks more like the car below.


Anonymous said...

Best not be speeding in lit'l red while heading north in that smokey attracting sports car

Me said...

You know I'll be speeding, burning out, and spinning cookies the whole way.
Perhaps I can even do a loop-dee-do somewhere in the mountains, around the California border. I like corksrews too. They are fun.