Monday, October 03, 2005

Just Another Day

While watching "War of the Worlds" (total bunk, despite being a Speilberg project) I started off playing some 5-10 online. Went up a bit, went down a bit, lost a huge chunk when my pocket sixes tripped on the flop. The other hombre just so happened to get his pocket kings to trip, also on the flop. Just another day.

So I bailed and went to a 15-30 table. Only two other people were there, each holding about 2 grand in front of them. I won a small pot right off the bat. Two or three hands later, I get K-5 suited in spades. Some guy raises preflop. I call. Its just me and him. The floppage is K-K-8. I bet. He re-raises. I re-raise again. It gets capped. The turn is another eight. I now have Kings full of 8s. I bet, he re-raises, I raise again, we cap. The river is a 5. I have two ways to the boat. I bet, he only calls. The pot is well over a grand. Homie had a K-5 also. Unbelievable.

I was able to stick around and pull in a profit of $170 on the day, even after the 5-10 losses.

{music fade in: Ice Cube - "It was a Good Day"}


Anonymous said...

Really? I thought it looked like a great movie. Glad to hear you ended up in the black. Where are you headed next?

Me said...

Minneapolis/St. Paul, to the Canterbury card club. They have satellites for a big one in mid October. If I qualify, I will be in Minnesota for a few weeks.
If not, I'm off to North Dakota.

Dustin Dwyer said...

Hey man, just a note to say I stopped by, enjoying the scenery or whatever. This is shaping up to be a nice little blog, if I could understand all the poker terms. Also, you need a camera. Should get that one back in Cali. shipped to you or something.

Anonymous said...

"(total bunk, despite being a Speilberg project)"

Despite? How about, "as usual."

Have fun in Minne-soooohta.


Me said...

What? my stock images are not up to expectations? They are way better looking than what I'd take. I did see a digital camera for something like 19.85. I'll have to look into it.

Hey, Spielberg made Minority Report. And on the surface, all preceding commercials led to the same expectation, as far as from what I saw anyways.

And, well, of course, one was an excellent movie, no question. Which leads me to beg the question: Did someone suggest that Spielberg "usually" makes "total bunk?"

Dustin Dwyer said...

yeah, Metta say Speilburger is bunk. I say he hits more than he misses. But he's still bunk some of the times. AI was a gigantic bomb.

jungle jim said...

who does metta think is better than spielburg?and wasn't ai kubricks last dieing wish or something?

jungle jim said...

oh,and kirk, come on man, i know i stole the image thing from you, but yea,they suck

Me said...

ok, I'm buying a camera this weekend. Fine. You all happy now?

jungle jim said...

what happend to the one you had last year?

Me said...

I still have it. But I didn't take it with me. I planned to, but the actual departure day was kinda impromptu.