Saturday, October 08, 2005

Ski Minnesota

I recently dropped into the La Crosse, Midway area.

Great breakfast I thought I'd mention. My bud Garret, and his whole family deserve much thanks. Thanks for putting me up for a night, thanks for dinner, and ...serious thanks for everything.
The surounding area was bountiful with very nice places, great houses, great people, and with the trees changing to thier fall tones, it was simply, great, overall.
However, if I win the WSOP, I have to give this dude Josh 100K though. As a matter of fact, thanks to him too.

Off to this so-called Minneapolis place, I adventured forth. And, well first, let me just say this,all of what I knew about this place, has been through either (and not necessarily in order of importance) major/pro sport teams, movies, or the top 40 hits of Prince (formerly known as a symbol ) 1984-2000.

Not that I expected the town to be any one thing or another, I just did not expect to be impressed as much as I was.
I arrived in downtown well before dusk, and did some checkin out. Nice city. I think it would not be so far of a stretch, to say that Minneapolis is one of the nicer downtowns, nationwide. The roads I found easy to navigate, and surprisingly, the entire downtown fifteen block radius (approx.) appears to have just come off the completion of an entire re-construction. As if, they are the epitome of the downtowns, currently in the midst of thier own re-dos.
I passed up St. Paul, but from the freeway, its looks at the same, or nicer.
The weather has been clear and crisp. The smell in the air is sweet and refreshing.

At the moment, I'm just around the corner from the Canterbury Park Track and Card Room. I've won enough to cover a few tournament entries, plus some. I'm still trying through the satillites, despite the fact that I will buy in, if I can't get one tomorrow, by noon.

Today was thier opening to the thirteen day extravaganza. Event #1 was a three hundred dollar buy-in, with more than three hundred entrants. First place was announced to gain twenty-seven-grand, and they were paying the top 37. I suspect the NL events will draw more people.

And, in sports, The Chicago White Sox rule. back to you Mack!

Thanks... in weather, its gonna be cold, because it certainly is colder here now.

If it gets colder still, maybe some skiing is in the future.

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